"Penny "

This is a photo of Penny late last winter, when she was resting on the rug, and our daughter decided that she needed some shades! She later fell asleep, wearing her sunglasses!

Once again, Penny was trying to escape the wrath Morgan, and chose the computer desk to flee to!

This is Mia...born in May of 1999, the new addition to our Shiba Family, followed closely by Penny

Meet MIA


Penny is due to have puppies around the first of November, 1999!
we are very excited about the new additions.. due to arrive soon!

Penny and SooMoo are the proud parents of 5 Shiba puppies, born on October 23, 1999


We have owned one of these neat little creatures for quite some time now, and there aren't words to describe them. The Shiba Inu makes a very loyal and loving pet, indoors or out. They are a very old breed, but rare in the United States. To learn more about these fun critters, go to the Shiba Inu Breed Standard Below. Anyone that you talk to, that owns a Shiba Inu, will agree, A better friend cannot be found! It is very interesting, when someone comes to our house for the first time, and sees Penny. The conversation always starts:

"What IS that?"
(very slowly) "A Shiba Inu" (here it comes...)
"A WHAT??"
(chuckling, even slower this time) "A Shiba Inu"
(frown) "I've never heard of THAT before! How do you spell it?
(I then proceed to spell it out) ya know...S-H-I-B-A space I-N-U... ROFLMAO...
(followed by) They are gorgeous, she looks like a fox! Where did you get her?

And the converstion continues!! These little creatures are...if nothing else, quite the conversation piece!! We are in process of learning about the show world of dogs, and plan to show "Zechariah's Fancy Lady" then on to search for a Champion male so we can get some more of these wonderful creatures!

SO far, we only have one Shiba Inu, and they are very interesting animals! Never a day goes by, that she doesn't make me laugh! I would like to find a male someday, to add to our clan, but for the mean time, we are just going to stick to Penny. We also raise a few Shetland sheepdogs, and American Quarter Horses, and I train barrel horses!

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Shiba Inu Breed Standard

Website Design by Tina Ruterbories
Tina Ruterbories
Northwood, IA
Ph. 641-324-2178
This Shiba Inu On The Web Site Is Owned By

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